Like the plague I avoid any stories with four letter words. I guess I am just old-fashioned.
On my Twitter page I noted a Medium article on gardening. I clicked and I got a glimpse of four-letter words and decided that I did not want to pay $5 a month to read stuff like that.
At age 76 I read a daily delivered NY Times hard copy. I read Jorge Luís Borges, Julio Cortázar and other Latin American authors in Spanish. I don’t have time to wade through four-letter word essays giving me advice on how to write. By this I mean that with the little time left in my life I have to be selective about what I read. I used to like the randomness of what appeared in my Medium feed. That seems to be gone.
I have a Blogger blog (a daily one since January 2006). I have re-purposed many of those into Medium through Medium’s nifty impor your blog tool. Is it time for me to pull the plug on Medium? Can I stay in Medium without my $5.00 contribution?