For anybody who reads my blog directly (not via facebook where my handle is Alex Waterhouse Hayward or Twitter @alexwh) they know that I accept no comments. This has been a Godsend as I have no contacts with idle creep and other weirdos. But because I post my daily blog in those two social media people do leave comments which are mostly “so and so likes your picture”. I am beyond taking offense to the fact that for many of my blogs I give careful thought and preparation of some sort of musing in essay form. The photograph is really just there for support. Not too long ago I put a link to a blog in facebook that was not that day’s blog posting. From my Blogger Stats where I find what blogs of mine are being randomly read I pick these blogs from the past and re post them. One such blog had the picture of the kind of elderly woman you might run into at a Sally Ann. One prominent friend of mine who is an intense daily reader of books put the question, “Is that PD?” Had my friend read the body of the blog it would have been revealed that indeed it was P.D. James. A more recent blog had a picture of my kindergarten class in which my presence is absent. Perhaps I was sick that day. That fact, that I am not in the picture is duly explained in the blog. Someone left a comment that they could spot me immediately. The above reminds me of an incident with a neighbour of mine in Mexico City around 1973. He was the older son of a family of Spaniards that lived in a much nicer house than ours. We found out that we both read science fiction so we exchanged favourite books. I gave him Sirius by Olaf Stapleton. He placed in my hand a novel by Stanislaw Lem (cannot recall which) in Spanish. A month passed. We returned the books and had a short exchange of ideas on our impressions. I am convinced that neither of us had read the books! That culture of reading Classics Illustrated and skipping that long and tedious novel at least made us read a tad. The current social media has made us inveterate picture likers.
Originally published at