Pamplona’s modern fiesta starts with fireworks called chupinazo at noon on July 6, followed by the singing of the traditional song “Pamploneses, Viva San Fermín, Gora San Fermín” (“People of Pamplona, Long Live Saint Fermín”). The best-known part of the festival is the running of the bulls, or the encierro.
It is virtually unknown that in the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain that the festival is called La Fiesta de San Fermín. For those who do not know this, San Fermín’s understudy, Macareno also became a saint. He is the patron saint of bullfights and bullfighters. In the church of San Nicolás there is this striking piece of art (artist unknown) of San Macareno de la Estocada.
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