Friday, August 21, 2020
Watching the DNC with my Rosemary on MSNBC and our reactiona is something that I would not want to discuss here and bring up my political ideas in a time of extreme polarization. My politics like my religion I keep to myself.
But there is one aspect that I expand on without offending anybody. It has to do with feeling a nationality (a pride of nationality). With me this is complex.
Consider that my maternal grandmother was born in Manila but raised in19th century Spain. I feel Spanish Consider that my mother was born in Manila. I feel Filipino. Consider that my father was born in Buenos Aires but his parents were from Manchester. I feel English. Consider that I was born in Buenos Aires. I feel Argentine. Consider that with my mother and grandmother we moved to Mexico. I married my Canadian wife in Mexico City. Our two daughters were born in Tacubaya, Mexico City. I feel Mexican. Consider that I had a high school education in Austin, Texas. I feel both Texan and American. Consider that my Rosemary, our two daughters and I have lived in Vancouver since 1975. I am a Canadian Citizen. I feel Canadian.
Since my Rosemary and I have been reading the NY Times with breakfast in bed for 20 years we are up to date with the U.S.A. I have relatives and friends who live in Florida, California, North Carolina,Washington State, Texas and Oregon.
We watched the DNC with a lot of interest. But there was a point on the last day when what I watched and heard hit my insides and I felt terribly (wonderfully) American.
I listened to the Chicks (formerly Dixie) sing an a capella Star-Spangled Banner.
In the mid 50s when my mother taught in an American school in Nueva Rosita, Coahuila, Mexico in a two-room schoolhouse I was in the 8 thgrade with five other boys. My mother often played the piano for us. Our two favourite songs were the Marine Hymn of the Republic and the Star-Spangled Banner. In my advanced age of 78 I know the beginning lyrics of the Argentine, Mexican, American and Canadian National Anthems. But my fave is the Star-Spangled Banner.
The version by the Chicks is absolutely awesome. I felt patriotic and proud without denigrating those other nationalities that I also feel. I slept well last night.
Originally published at