The above headline is in today’s NY Times
This sort of thing, a question as a headline has become an agressive virus everywhere including here in But it is not new. As an old man (76) I remember in the late 50s when I was in a Roman Catholic boarding school in Austin, Texas (St.Edward’s High School) I was trying to make up my mind if my first camera was going to be a classic rangefinder camera or one of those new-fangled Single Lens Reflex ones. The photo magazines had on their covers the obvious Which is better, the rangefinder or the single lens reflex? The answer was always an ambiguous one as the magazines needed not to lose the revenue of manufacturers who had yet to jump on the SLR bandwagon. The answer to the question was never answered inside. In later years, closer to the end of the 20th century the litany question became What is better film or digital? And now these magazines, both in print and on line will have this sort of question, “What do the Pros recommend?” Living in this century of declining pay or no pay for photographers I wonder who these pros are.
We could modify the above NY Times headline to : Five ways Feminism has lost by E.R.A.’s defeat.
Alex Waterhouse-Hayward
Vancouver BC