My Nuyorican writer friend Jerome Charyn has just written A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson For The 21st Century in the heels of a lovely autobiographical novel The Secret Life of Emily Dickinson. It seems that his latest book was inspired by this particular Dickinson poem:
My Life had stood — a Loaded Gun -
In Corners — till a Day
The Owner passed — identified -
And carried Me away -
And now We roam in Sovreign Woods -
And now We hunt the Doe -
And every time I speak for Him
The Mountains straight reply -
And do I smile, such cordial light
Opon the Valley glow -
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let it’s pleasure through -
And when at Night — Our good Day done -
I guard My Master’s Head -
’Tis better than the Eider Duck’s
Deep Pillow — to have shared -
To foe of His — I’m deadly foe -
None stir the second time -
On whom I lay a Yellow Eye -
Or an emphatic Thumb -
Though I than He — may longer live
He longer must — than I -
For I have but the power to kill,
Without — the power to die -
I have yet to read this book. I am ordering it from my Vancouver Public Library.
I was intrigued by those last two lines:
For I have the power to kill,
Without the power to die
That justifies my photograph of Katheryn as a vampire.
Lessons on the piny
Ample make this bed
How happy is the little stone
Sleep is supposed to be
The shutting of the eye
I dwell in possibility
when Sappho was a living girl
In a library
A light exists in spring
The lady dare not lift her veil
I took my power in my hand
I find my feet have further goals
I cannot dance upon my toes
The Music of the Violin does not emerge alone
Red Blaze
He touched me, so I live to know
Rear Window- The Entering Takes Away
Said Death to Passion
We Wear the Mask That Grins And Lies
It was not death for I stood alone
The Music in the Violin Does Not Emerge Alone
I tend my flowers for thee
Lavinia Norcross Dickinson
Pray gather me anemone!
Ample make her bed
His caravan of red
Me-come! My dazzled face
Develops pearl and weed
But peers beyond her mesh
Surgeons must be very careful
Water is taught by thirst
I could not prove that years had feet
April played her fiddle
A violin in Baize replaced
I think the longest hour
The spirit lasts
Originally published at